The fight against time to find a cure for Usher syndrome: “we are determined to find it and make it a reality”

An Article by Adrian Valero on Telecinco News | 12.12.2022

“We are determined to find it and make it a reality“.

Since he was born, his parents have tried to do everything possible so that she can enjoy her five senses through implants that allow her to hear. But unfortunately, the disease is there, progressing inexorably. For this reason, before the disease gets worse, they have decided to dedicate their lives to finding a cure for their daughter and all children who suffer from the disease throughout the world.

Save Sight Now Europe: a platform to find a treatment for Usher syndrome as soon as possible.

Exploring their daughter’s disease, they came across an American organization that supported families who were diagnosed with the disease; Save Sight Now. As a result of this, they decided to publicize the disease in Europe, creating a branch of this in Europe continent, Save Sight Now Europe. They want to raise the necessary funds and support to carry out research that finds a cure for Usher syndrome, as well as to raise awareness about the rare disease.

If you’d like to help us fund groundbreaking research to defeat Usher syndrome, click the Donate button.