Ush Stories8 months agoPEDRO | CANARY ISLANDS, SPAINI’ve always considered myself a lucky person. Despite the difficulties, I believe I’ve been fortunate in life: lucky to have the family I have,…
Ush Stories8 months agoANTOINE | NORMANDIE, FRANCEAfter six years of battling through the challenges of PMA to bring our son into our lives, Antoine has finally arrived. However, just a…
Ush Stories11 months agoJORDI | GAVÀ, SPAINJordi was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome type 1B this past year, at age 6. When he was 10 months old, he underwent surgery to…
Ush Stories1 year agoCHLOE | MADRID, SPAINHere is Chloe, an adorable and affectionate four-year-old girl. From the moment of her birth, it was seen, through hearing tests, that she had…
Ush Stories1 year agoMARIELLA, Vienna, AustriaI’m Mariella, I am 26 years old and based in Vienna, Austria, and I have Usher Syndrome Type 1b. I am profoundly deaf and received my first…
Ush Stories1 year agoDAVID | OCCITANIE, FRANCEI was born profoundly deaf and only started to walk at the age of two because of my balance issues. As a child, I…
Ush Stories1 year agoERIC | VALLADOLID, SPAINEric was born in August 2018 in Valladolid, Spain, and was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome type 1B in September 2019. Despite being born with…
Ush Stories1 year agoJULIA | MADRID, SPAINSince she was born, in December 2017, we knew something was wrong with Julia’s audition. Approximately three months later, she was diagnosed with severe…
Ush Stories1 year agoLEO | DELTEBRE, CATALONIALeo (from 2011) is an 11-year-old boy, he was born with profound bilateral deafness. He was given his first cochlear implant when he was…
Ush Stories1 year agoLÉA | NIORT, FRANCELéa was born in December 2013. A very quiet baby, who slept a lot, never woken up by noise. At the maternity hospital at…
Ush Stories1 year agoMAR | TERRASA, SPAINMar is a 7-year-old girl who was born with profound bilateral deafness. At 4 months of age, she began early speech therapy and at…
Ush Stories1 year agoCAMILLE | LILLE, FRANCEI have been diagnosed with this disease during the research of the origin of my deafness for my first implant. This helped to understand…
Ush Stories1 year agoBRUNA | GENEVA · BARCELONABruna was born on October 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. She is now 20 months old, and a year ago she was diagnosed with Usher…
Ush Stories1 year agoFELIX | Fribourg, SwitzerlandFelix is three years old but he hasn’t all his teeth already 😉 His deafness was detected late, when he was 15 months old.…
Ush Stories1 year agoLIA | BAY AREA, CALIFORNIALia is 4 years old and lives in the Bay Area, California. We learned Lia was deaf 2 weeks after she was born and…
Ush Stories1 year agoJACKSON | CHAAM, NETHERLANDSJackson was 7 months old when he was diagnosed with Usher syndrome type 1B. At a point where we just started to accept his…