Ush Stories8 months agoPEDRO | CANARY ISLANDS, SPAINI’ve always considered myself a lucky person. Despite the difficulties, I believe I’ve been…
Ush Stories8 months agoANTOINE | NORMANDIE, FRANCEAfter six years of battling through the challenges of PMA to bring our son…
Ush Stories12 months agoJORDI | GAVÀ, SPAINJordi was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome type 1B this past year, at age 6.…
Ush Stories1 year agoCHLOE | MADRID, SPAINHere is Chloe, an adorable and affectionate four-year-old girl. From the moment of her…
Ush Stories1 year agoMARIELLA, Vienna, AustriaI’m Mariella, I am 26 years old and based in Vienna, Austria, and I have Usher…
Ush Stories1 year agoDAVID | OCCITANIE, FRANCEI was born profoundly deaf and only started to walk at the age of…
Ush Stories1 year agoERIC | VALLADOLID, SPAINEric was born in August 2018 in Valladolid, Spain, and was diagnosed with Usher…
Ush Stories1 year agoJULIA | MADRID, SPAINSince she was born, in December 2017, we knew something was wrong with Julia’s…
Ush Stories1 year agoLEO | DELTEBRE, CATALONIALeo (from 2011) is an 11-year-old boy, he was born with profound bilateral deafness.…
Ush Stories1 year agoLÉA | NIORT, FRANCELéa was born in December 2013. A very quiet baby, who slept a lot,…