Two years ago, when our daughter received a diagnosis of Usher Syndrome type 1B, both Arnau and I joined the Save Sight Now initiative in the US and established an association in Switzerland called Save Sight Now Europe Switzerland. Recently, we’ve also founded a Foundation in Spain to extend our efforts to our hometown.
The Night of Vision was an event to introduce the Foundation in Barcelona. It was an evening dedicated to sharing insights into the disease’s current status, recounting the journey thus far, outlining the strategies and objectives of SSNEU, and informing attendees about ways they can contribute to our mission of finding a treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa in Usher 1B.
This event featured not only informative discussions but also music and refreshments. David Carabén (Mishima) graced us with his beautiful music, and actress Mercè Martinez joined us to help present the event.