Save Sight Now Europe is now live!

We are starting a difficult journey, but one that comes from within, from our need to push and support, and from our will to share our knowledge, abilities, and time with the teams of scientific researchers and companies behind them. All of us are working together with the common goal to find a treatment for Usher Syndrome Type 1B.

When we read the “about us” section on Save Sight Now’s website, we couldn’t stop saying: “they’re like us, they’re like us!” Our days were full of sadness, but finding out that we were not alone gave us strength. We are determined to give everything for Bruna and for all the kids and adults that must face life with Usher Syndrome.

We are starting a difficult journey, but one that comes from within, from our need to push and support, and from our will to share our knowledge, abilities, and time with the teams of scientific researchers and companies behind them. All of us are working together with the common goal to find a treatment for Usher Syndrome Type 1B. We join a path that Save Sight Now has been paving for years with the support of Foundation Fighting Blindness, the main world organization of retinal disorders, and it moves and strengthens us to be able to work together in achieving our shared goal: a treatment for Usher  syndrome type 1B.

If you’d like to help us fund groundbreaking research to defeat Usher syndrome, click the Donate button.