Zurich Marató Barcelona with Save Sight Now Europe (Usher Syndrome Foundation).

Mario Raúl Martínez will run the Barcelona Marathon with Save sight Now Europe to continue raising awareness about deafblindness and to find a treatment for Usher Syndrome. Join our race against time. Join the challenge!

Mario Raúl Martínez, the world’s first deafblind athlete, and ultradistance runner, is going to run in the Zurich Marathon Barcelona 2024 with Save sight Now Europe – Usher Syndrome Foundation, to raise awareness and funds to find a treatment for Usher Syndrome, a rare disease still without a cure.

He lives day by day without sight and, as SSNEU, he is committed to the fight against childhood blindness. Will you join us in this mission?

Mario Raúl Martínez on social network

Donate to Mi Grano de Arena Challenge

Captura de pantalla 2024-02-24 a les 18.02.42

Supporters leading the Event: Hermes Solé & Júlia Espinosa

Day and location of the Event: March 10th, Barcelona

Event Fundraising Donation: Ongoing Event