(Mis)Communication, a charity show from the GEDS theatre company in Geneva

A One-Act Comedies for Charity directed by Christina Vasala Kokkinaki.

In Geneva, a theater weekend was organized by the Geneva English Drama Society,  featuring three plays directed by Christina Vasala Kokkinaki. The audience enjoyed the absurdist plays Blue Kettle by Caryl Churchill, The Universal Language by David Ives, and The Real Long John Silver by Peter Barnes. The funds raised through ticket sales and donations will go to SSNEU. Before the performances, we presented the organization and our mission.

IG vídeo advertising the Show
WRS Katt Cullen Interview with Christina Vasala Kokkinaki (director of the show) and Berta Adell (cofounder SSNEU)
Introduction from Christina Vasala Kokkinaki
Supporters leading the Event: GEDS (Geneva English Drama Society)
Day and location of the Event: May 5-6th 2023 | Geneva, Switzerland
Event Fundraising Donation: 6720€