Dones desmuntades, Theatre for Usher 1B in Barcelona

Somni’ts Theatre and La Lira put together this play to raise funds for Usher 1B.

Somni’ts Theatre is a theatre company that merges theatre and solidarity. We were fortunate to have a friend there who decided to dedicate this show to SSNEU and the Usher 1B research. @somnitsteatre and @scelalira turned on the spotlights on Usher 1B for the first time in Barcelona on January 2023.

Youtube Channel Somni’ts theatre company
Introduction and thanks from SSNEU
Supporters leading the Event: Somni’ts Teatre
Day and location of the Event: January 14-15th 2023 | Barcelona, Catalonia
Event Fundraising Donation: 1180€