Save Sight Now Europe: Hello Catalunya!

Article on La Xarxa News Matí | 17.10.2022

We went live at yesterday’s La Xarxa News. Introducing our job and objective to our beloved audience in Catalunya.
Yesterday we went live at La Xarxa News. We talked about Usher Syndrome type 1B, how we came to know the diagnostic of our daughter Bruna and the decision of creating Save Sight Now Europe, to fund promise research to cure Usher Syndrome type 1B.

La Xarxa is a multimedia platform that provides content and services to more than 200 local radio, television and online media from all over Catalonia. They work so that these media can complete their programming with varied quality content, and access services that allow them to improve their work systems and be more competitive. This means that Save Sight Now appeared in several channels explaining our work and goal of finding a cure for Usher Syndrome type 1B.

More to come!

If you’d like to help us fund groundbreaking research to defeat Usher syndrome, click the Donate button.