Ush Stories2 years agoERIC | VALLADOLID, SPAINEric was born in August 2018 in Valladolid, Spain, and was diagnosed with Usher…
Ush Stories2 years agoJULIA | MADRID, SPAINSince she was born, in December 2017, we knew something was wrong with Julia’s…
Ush Stories2 years agoLEO | DELTEBRE, CATALONIALeo (from 2011) is an 11-year-old boy, he was born with profound bilateral deafness.…
Ush Stories2 years agoLÉA | NIORT, FRANCELéa was born in December 2013. A very quiet baby, who slept a lot,…
Ush Stories2 years agoMAR | TERRASA, SPAINMar is a 7-year-old girl who was born with profound bilateral deafness. At 4…
Ush Stories2 years agoCAMILLE | LILLE, FRANCEI was diagnosed with this condition while searching for the cause of my deafness…
Ush Stories2 years agoBRUNA | GENEVA · BARCELONABruna was born in October 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. She is now 4 years…
Ush Stories2 years agoFELIX | Fribourg, SwitzerlandFélix is five years old. His deafness was diagnosed late, at 15 months. Why…
Ush Stories2 years agoLIA | BAY AREA, CALIFORNIALia lives in the Bay Area, California, and is now 6 years old. We…
Ush Stories2 years agoJACKSON | CHAAM, NETHERLANDSJackson was 7 months old when he was diagnosed with Usher syndrome type 1B.…